Possessive Kitten

Possessiveness of Kittens and Cats

Possessiveness of Kittens and Cats

Possessiveness of Kitten and cat, they are known for their independent nature, but it’s also true that they can be quite possessive. From their toys to their humans, cats can be very territorial and protective of their possessions.

Possessiveness of kitten & Cat


One of the most common ways cats show possessiveness is by guarding their toys. They may growl or swat at other cats who try to take their favourite toy or may even carry it around in their mouths.


Cats can also be possessive of their humans. If a new pet or person enters the home, cats may become jealous and try to gain more of their human’s attention. Cats may also become territorial of certain areas of the house or certain pieces of furniture.


Cats are also known to be possessive of their food. If another cat or pet encroaches on their mealtime, cats may become defensive and even aggressive. It’s important to remember to respect a cat’s boundaries and not force them to share their possessions.
Providing cats with plenty of their own toys, beds, and other items can help reduce any possessive behaviour. If a cat does become possessive, it’s best to redirect their behaviour with positive reinforcement and praise.

Story of Possessiveness of kitten

One little kitten recently proved that even cats can have a possessive streak.

The story of the possessive kitten began when a family in Scotland adopted a small grey tabby from a local animal shelter. From the moment they brought him home, the kitten showed an unusual attachment to his new family. Everywhere they went, the little tabby followed, making it impossible for them to move around the house without him.

The possessive kitten even took to snuggling up with the family at night. He would curl up beside them on the couch or in bed, purring contentedly as he settled in for the night. He would often even sleep on the family’s pillows, claiming them as his own!

The family soon realized that their possessive kitten was not content to be left alone. If they left the house, the little tabby would meow plaintively until they returned. He also refused to be left at home when the family went on trips, opting to travel with them instead.

The possessive kitten may have been a bit of a handful, but his family wouldn’t have him any other way. He brought joy and companionship to their lives and made them feel loved and appreciated.

The story of the possessive kitten is a reminder that cats, as independent as they may seem, still need and crave love and affection from their human companions. All cats are unique and special, and it’s up to us to make sure that we show them the love and attention they deserve.